Toxic Relationships

Toxic Relationships

It may be hard to believe, but it is just as possible to become addicted to a person as it is to become addicted to drugs or alcohol. Just like alcoholism and drug addiction have adverse effects on our health, harmful relationships in which we are too addicted to...
Trauma Bonding

Trauma Bonding

Often, people find themselves trapped in abusive relationships. It is very common to fall down the rabbit hole of a toxic person’s design. In these situations, a psychological phenomena called Trauma Bonding entangles the victim so it may seem impossible to escape. An...
Sex Addiction

Sex Addiction

Sexual addiction, like many other types of addictions, creates momentary highs and deep dark lows. Upon orgasm the brain releases a rush of “feel good” chemicals called endorphins. These feel good chemicals set us up to chase the highs, thus creating the addiction....
Mood & Food

Mood & Food

Overeating, especially during the holidays, can destabilize your mood. Food, like any drug, can be used to self-medicate our emotions. It starts with Mother-Infant disconnect as CAUSE. When Mother, or primary caregiver doesn’t supply enough of the emotional...