Managing Holiday Resentments


Dr. Judy discusses holiday resentments and their impact on our experiences during the holiday season, emphasizing the importance of addressing and managing these resentments to protect our mental and physical health.

  • 🎄 Dr. Judy explains how holiday resentments can affect our experiences during the holiday season.
  • 🎁 She suggests strategies such as creating boundaries and focusing on gratitude to manage and overcome holiday resentments.
  • 🔥 Dr. Judy discusses the connection between anger and resentment and encourages open dialogue to address these emotions.



In this video, Dr. Judy discusses the topic of holiday resentments and how they can affect our experiences during the holiday season. She explains that during this time, we often compare our expectations of what the holidays should be like with the reality of what they actually are, which can lead to disappointment and resentment. Dr. Judy emphasizes the importance of addressing these resentments and not letting them consume us, as they can negatively impact our mental and physical health. She suggests strategies such as opting out of situations that make us feel physically ill, creating boundaries, and focusing on gratitude to help manage and overcome holiday resentments. Dr. Judy also discusses the connection between anger and resentment and how they can manifest in different ways, such as passive-aggressive behavior. She encourages open dialogue and communication to address these emotions and prevent them from causing further harm. Dr. Judy concludes by emphasizing the importance of healing from past wounds and patterns in order to create healthier relationships and a more fulfilling holiday season.

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